Employment Discrimination: What It Is and How to Protect Your Rights
Employer discrimination is a serious issue in Florida, as it is across the country, but there are specific state and local nuances that set Florida apart. While the Florida Civil Rights Act (FCRA) offers protections similar to federal laws, it includes unique provisions, such as coverage for marital status discrimination. Additionally, while Florida lacks statewide protections for sexual orientation and gender identity, some cities and counties have enacted local ordinances to fill this gap. Understanding these distinctions is crucial for employees seeking to protect their rights in the Sunshine State.
Workplace Discrimination: An Example
Workplace discrimination is a significant issue that can impact employees’ lives, career progression, and well-being. To illustrate, let’s delve into a detailed example of discrimination in a hypothetical company.
FMLA Leave: Before, During and After
Transitioning back to work after FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) leave can be a significant adjustment. It can be a complicated process for both employees and employers. Here are some tips to help make the process smoother: What You Should Do Before FMLA Leave:...
Brian Calciano Speaks to Legal Zoom about Crafting PTO Policies
Brian understands that developing effective Paid Time Off or PTO policies can be a complex task for employers in the Sunshine State. That's why Calciano Pierro's experienced team is here to provide you with expert guidance on crafting PTO policies that align with...
Do I Qualify for Overtime Wages in Florida?
When you think of “overtime wages,” you generally think of time-and-a-half or one and one-half times your regular hourly wage for each hour worked over a traditional 40-hour work week. In 1938, the Department of Labor’s Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) established this...
Independent Contractor or Employee? Getting It Right
The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) contains various wage and hour protections including minimum wage and overtime provisions. However, entitlement to such protections depends upon one being an "employee" versus an "independent contractor." The U.S. Department of...
Does My Employer Have to Give Me Medical Leave?
“If I’m sick or injured, does my employer have to give me time off?” This is a very common question employees ask attorneys, and the answer the attorneys give is even more common: “It depends.” Although we recommend you speak with your own attorney to get an...
Proper Wages and Compensation of Tipped Employees
By virtue of Florida’s tourism industry, hospitality employees make up one of the most significant portions of the state’s workforce. Where you see hotels, restaurants, bars, night clubs and casinos, you will find hourly-paid employees who rely heavily on tips for...